Friday, January 24, 2014

Tweets from Education Technology Gurus, Part II

The Daring Librarian, @GwynethJones, shares Top Ten Most Beautiful Places to Read Books. The vintage looking libraries call to me.  It makes me think of Professor Higgins' library in My Fair Lady.  There is something quite charming about stacks of old books in stages of disarray. I love looking at these photos and dreaming of idling some hours in such quaint settings.
Jim Lerman, @jimlerman, tweets that Google Search has added an easy way to search for images that have reuse rights.
This is so useful to me.  As an ESL teacher, I use tons of images to make vocabulary and reading comprehensible.  It's so frustrating to have to try again and again to copy an image to use on a test or in a lesson.  Here's what you do:  First of all enter your search keyword, then click on Images. You will then see Search tools. Select this and it reveals Usage Rights with a drop down menu. The default is ‘not filtered by licence’. You can then choose one of four further options:
  • labelled for reuse
  • labelled for commercial reuse
  • labelled for reuse with modification
  • labelled for commercial reuse with modification
Check the best match and you will then only see the images that have those rights.

Kathy Schrock, @kathyschrock, really is a tech guru! It is hard to pick a favorite tweet.  She, like Jim Lerman, tweets about finding usage rights for Google Images.  But here is one of my favorites that she tweeted: 
It is a free app that helps you create visual presentations with animations, banner ads, charts and graphs, etc. It is an all-in-one cloud based tool.  Very cool!

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